As I celebrate another June, which is generally ALL about some of the men in my life I love dearly—all the fathers, Papa Rye, Javon, Ryan, AND Lenard all have birthdays this month—it always provides an opportunity to reflect on the breadth and depth of a father’s love. Recently, Papa Rye and I had a really emotional conversation about one of the few times (maybe a couple) where I felt unprotected and unheard. As I recounted the nearly 20-year old story to him, I realized that while my pain was real, what was even more present for me was the consistency he provided in protecting me, in hearing me, in showing up for me, and honestly—understanding me.

My father and I are so in sync, if I have a bad day, his sleep is off. When I used to get upset on-air at CNN and the world saw eyes bulging, heard an elevated voice, and zingers that cut down my opponent, Papa Rye would see my pain. As soon as my segment concluded, he would call and ask me if I was okay. Bursting in to tears of frustration and simultaneous relief for being seen by my very first love made me feel like this, too, shall pass.

This is the same seeing he did when he zipped me into my puffy coat in the morning on the way to school. This was the same provision that would deliver a gourmet deli lunch to school (that, of course, included a Clearly Canadian). This was the same love that rushed to hug with the subtle pat to let me know we are good and ready to move on.
My Dad’s eyes don’t just see me though and his love doesn’t only cover me and he doesn’t reserve his protection for me alone. He is this was for the culture. It is his mission, his raison d’etre to be in service of humanity this way.

He might be annoyed that I shared “family business” but what I want to know is his seeing all of us makes me see even better. That insight enabled me how much we fear ever hurting or disappointing each other. As human beings, parents do fall short. But when you love like Papa Rye with a heart that bag there’s always a new beginning.
I love you Daddy. Thank you for modeling amazing parenting and community building for me.

Sending you all the love, joy, freedom, justice, and power you can stand.
Righteously and cheerfully,