Hello Framily (friends and family),
This is such a significant time of rebirth in my life. I experienced a difficult breakup, had some major shifts in my career (perhaps you’ve noticed I have not been on CNN since January), and what in the WORLD is this pandemic doing to us?! I was left questioning: “Who am I?” and for the first time in my life, I found peace in not rattling off accomplishments to get to who. My identity was almost always wrapped up in what I could put on paper, awards I have won, and making my parents proud–rather than what cannot be taken away and what is in my sole control–my character. It took many therapy sessions and healers to get me to this point in my journey (shout out to Yadi, Devi, Dr. Mariel, Queen Afua, and the IG therapists too–I see you!).
I traveled to Ghana in March of this year with Queen Afua and some other amazing souls. Everywhere we went, we were met with an “Akwaaba” or “welcome home”. Those words filled a deep void inside me I didn’t know existed, but felt deeply as tears dropped from my eyes as the plane landed amidst visions of red clay dirt in Accra. The pilgrimage to the continent deepened me into another, equally important journey–the road to returning home to myself. The road to get here has not been easy and really started in earnest about a year and a half ago. I have spent a lifetime constructing a protective character for little Angela to hide behind because the little one is far more sensitive and vulnerable. The character I built is someone many of you have come to know and love. She is strong, honest, unfiltered, and fiercely protective of herself, her loved ones, and her community. While she is not a lie, she only represents a part of me (*cue En Vogue*).

A lifelong perfectionist (at least, until now!), I generally like to have things figured out and be an expert before I share, but that won’t help me (or you!) this time, so I am leaving that old pattern behind me. I am more free than I have ever been and I still have so much to learn.
Thank you. I am so grateful you signed up to bear witness to this imperfect journey to freedom–filled with highs and lows, ebbs and flows, and everything in between.
May this number, this year lead us to acceptance of what IS. May we break unhealthy generational cycles and toxic patterns. May we focus on ALL we have and not what we do not. May we reflect the kind of compassion that ensures equity and access for ALL. May we heal, learn, grow, and love together. May we be our best and highest selves. The world is waiting for us!
This is 42, y’all. Welcome to my rebirth! I pray you experience one too.
Sending you all the love, joy, justice, and peace you can stand,